Passing this along… this isn’t a TurningPoint event, but I thought you might want to know!
RSVP & Save the Date for June 14th for a Free Salary Negotiation Workshop in #Brookline! On average, women who work full-time earn about 79 cents for every dollar a full-time male worker earns. In the city of Boston, the median earnings of all part- and full-time women in the workforce are 84 percent of male workers’ earnings. The gender pay gap is real, and it hurts women and families. Women who negotiate their salary not only can earn higher salaries, but better benefits and advantages that can add up over time. Created for working women, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Work Smart is an interactive workshop that teaches women to evaluate, negotiate, and articulate their worth confidently in the job market. Whether striving for a promotion, asking for a raise, or negotiating a new salary, attendees will learn how to conduct objective research to establish an equitable target salary. Expert facilitators will lead discussions on the gender wage gap and its personal effects, while small group activities and role-play exercises give participants the opportunity to create and perfect their persuasive pitch. Attendees can expect to learn about the gender wage gap, including its personal consequences. How to quantify the market value of their education, skills, and experience, how to conduct objective market research and determine a fair target salary; and how to create a strategic pitch and respond to salary offers. The Brookline Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations will host the AAUW Work Smart salary negotiation workshop on Wednesday, June 14th from 6:00–8:00 p.m. at the Department of Public Health’s Denny Room, 11 Pierce Street. The event is free, but please RSVP at For more details, please contact Chris Chanyasulkit at [email protected]. Event Details |