From time to time I like to post about career events going on in the Boston area… this one’s not specifically a TurningPoint event, but Tracy’s one of my favorite coaches and I think this will be great… please pass along to any college students and/or recent grads (up to age 26).

Career Fit: Find a career that fits and get fit for a career

Overwhelmed and confused about your next steps after college?

Unclear about what career you want and/or how to get it?


Join a career coaching live webinar series for soon-to-be and recent graduates that focuses on the question:

What is my career direction?

Designed and facilitated by Tracy Fitzpatrick, career and life coach

June 14, 21, 28 and July 5, 2016: Four weekly live webinars, Tuesdays 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. EST

Plus a one-on-one coaching session with Tracy to be scheduled for July 2016

And BONUS:  3 recorded webinars on Gathering Career Information and Making Contacts and a reduced rate for any additional desired individual coaching sessions with Tracy in 2016

About the group: Participants will clarify values, interests, strengths, wishes and mission as well as develop a list of fields and jobs of interest and questions they want to explore.  They will adopt strategies for managing insecurities and fears about entering the job market.  They will understand themselves better and enhance their confidence and sense of direction.  These are tools and frameworks that will help with this transition and with future life and career changes as well.

About Tracy: Tracy has 15 years of career coaching experience including working with many young adults starting out in the workforce.  She holds three coaching certifications and three certifications in personal branding.  She has supported hundreds who have found paths to fulfilling work.