Help! Do I Need a Total Career Change or Just a New Employer?
1. If I think about my current work, I feel bored and unmotivated at least 75% of the time. There are a few things that interest me but most of the time I dream of escaping, finding a new job or taking a leave of absence.
Yes No
If you answered Yes at least…
7-10 times: Get Going! You most likely are thinking of pursuing a whole new career. You should be actively investigating and planning for a new career path for yourself. If you’re finding it hard to get started, you will need to devote some time to understanding your unique values, interests, personality preferences, and life goals. By using this information about yourself as a foundation, you’ll be better able to focus your career direction. Much of this information can be gathered in career guides, conducting online research or working with a career consultant.
4-7 times: Start Experimenting! You are at a crossroads and may need further career exploration. You need to spice things up a little. This may involve pursuing an interest and discovering whether it can turn into a full-time career, or finding a new industry in which you can apply your current skillset. It’s highly possible you may need to start the process of investigating larger life goals and potentially a whole new career. At the very least, you need to convert your negative energy into positive action. Start reading career books or thinking about visiting a career consultant to explore potential options for yourself. Pursue some hobbies and start meeting new people in order to counteract the negative energy of your job. Make sure to address other issues in your life apart from the career issues- maybe there’s something else going on.
0-4 times: Polish that resume! You probably just need a change of scenery. You are most likely experiencing job burnout and would probably be happy within your current field if you found a new company or gained more responsibility. Job burnout is easy to get if you’ve been in a job for a long time, have a new boss or are in a company that’s downsizing. You should seriously think about pulling your resume together and finding yourself a new job. If during the interview process for new jobs you don’t find yourself interested in any of them, then it may be time to do some career soul-searching to determine your true path. Also, see if there are any positions within your current company that may interest you more, and start networking. You may also need to explore and resolve other areas of stress in your life that may be contributing to overall dissatisfaction.